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What our clients say

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What some recent clients say about their experience with American English Institute

We might be biased. Take it from our clients.

My speaking is better because we talk alot in class. Teachers correct my mistakes so my speaking and writing has improved.


After taking an 8-Week session, I can have long conversations with Americans. Before taking the class, I couldn't. The program really helped me and I recommend it.


I’m lucky to have the opportunity to study in California because a lot of people don’t get this opportunity. I like all the things there are to do in Riverside and the people are friendly. Since I started studying at AEI, my English has improved.

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It’s comfortable and all the teachers have many new ideas to teach the students. They explain everything clearly and always do what is good for students. And the environment is good for studying.

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Saudi Arabia

I loved the fact that I started to use grammar correctly. Our instructor was excellent and very organized giving us the right examples at the right time.

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